Our youth (6th - 12th grades) and their parents come to these exciting, theologically-driven meetings on the third Sunday night of each month. If you are checking out our church and have a teen then I encourage you also to checkout our "youth" ministry. We'd love to come alongside you as you disciple your teenager.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A little self-evaluation will go a long way...

Ask yourself...
Here are some questions that I'd like you to ask yourself in evaluating where you are in your relationship with the Lord, to help you make your calling and election sure. They can help serve you as a good indicator of whether you appreciate the saving and cleansing grace of God in your life.

Ask your parents...
After you've thought through the questions and answered them honestly - I'd ask that you give your parents the same questions in advance and, after they've had time to consider where they think you are in regards to the questions, take some time to sit down with them and hear how they see you.

Hard but worth it...
I think that this will be a productive time and could really serve to spur you on to godliness and also encourage you in areas where God is evidently at work. It will take some hard work and serious humility on your part but the rewards will be lasting if you respond to God as you do it.

The Questions...
These questions are taken from page 54 of the book, Growing Up Christian, by Karl Graustein
1. Am I extremely grateful that God has saved me? (How do I see this in my life?)
2. Do I regularly think about what my life would be like if God had not saved me?
3. When I look at my life, do I see a lot of sin?
4. Am I often amazed that God forgives me, even when I repeatedly sin?
5. When I pray, do I frequently thank God for forgiving my sins?
6. Do I love to worship God and express my love for Him in song? (How is this demonstrated?)
7. Do I really enjoy talking with others about God? How many times in the past month have I actually done this and when is the last time I talked with someone about God that I initiated?
8. Do I look for opportunities to share my faith with others? When is the last time I shared my faith with someone else?
9. Am I extremely excited about spending eternity in heaven?
10. Do I regularly thank God for saving me from an eternity in hell?

In asking yourself these questions - please do not become discouraged if you're not doing well or proud if you do seem to be doing well in all these areas either. Let a less favorable evaluation lead to confession and repentance and be filled with fresh hope in the Grace of God to change you. On the other hand, let a favorable evaluation lead to encouragement and thanksgiving in God which leads to a greater desire to love and serve Him - and then be an example to others.