Our youth (6th - 12th grades) and their parents come to these exciting, theologically-driven meetings on the third Sunday night of each month. If you are checking out our church and have a teen then I encourage you also to checkout our "youth" ministry. We'd love to come alongside you as you disciple your teenager.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Retro Christmas Party

We look forward to seeing you at our CrossCurrent Christmas Party THIS Friday, December 5th. Here's some details you won't want to forget:
  • Where? Mt. Zion Christian Fellowship.
  • What time? Arrive at 6:30pm (Dinner starts at 7pm).
  • Punch, Coffee, & Hot Chocolate will be served before dinner.
  • Parents and youth, come dressed in 40's & 50's attire.
  • Bring a heavy Hors d'oeuvre (enough to feed your family) & 1 drink. 
  • Bring enough wrapping paper, newspaper, or paper bags to wrap a wardrobe box. (1 box per person.) 
We will enjoy much food, fellowship, games, and end with a time of worship. We hope to see you there!