Our youth (6th - 12th grades) and their parents come to these exciting, theologically-driven meetings on the third Sunday night of each month. If you are checking out our church and have a teen then I encourage you also to checkout our "youth" ministry. We'd love to come alongside you as you disciple your teenager.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Frankie's Update

Want to attend, but forgot to RSVP? Not a problem! There is still time. Contact our church office (864.346.2361) or talk to Jessica on Sunday morning. For those attending, please read the following important information. See you Sunday night!

Upon arrival, please proceed to the tables in the rear of the building (near outside). Jessica will be sitting in that area. She will have your passes and will be assigning you to a team.

Once you receive your pass, please wait. Please do not begin playing. We are going to assemble into three teams and rotate through Go Carts, Mini-Golf, and Laser Tag. Matt will be giving you instruction once everyone arrives.

We will begin playing at 6:30pm. Jessica will be there early, ready to hand out your passes when you arrive. Feel free to arrive a couple minutes early.