Our youth (6th - 12th grades) and their parents come to these exciting, theologically-driven meetings on the third Sunday night of each month. If you are checking out our church and have a teen then I encourage you also to checkout our "youth" ministry. We'd love to come alongside you as you disciple your teenager.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Party THIS Friday

clip_image002[5]Break out the overalls, boots, bandanna’s, and hats! It’s coming up fast (real fast!)…the Cross Current Chili Country Christmas Party is on Friday. Preparations are well under way and the Admin. team is so excited! Below you will find all the data that you need to know.

Date: Friday, December 4th

Time: Coffee, Punch, & Hot Chocolate will be served at 6pm. Dinner will begin at 6:30pm.

Food: Your favorite chili (prizes will be awarded) & assigned side item (see below)

Dress: Country & Western (like last year, our judges will be awarding prizes)